AllPlay Footy

AllPlay Footy was established to support all children to play sport, including the one in six children who experience developmental challenges or disability. This content is part of our plan to achieve that goal.


AllPlay Footy is a joint initiative by Monash University and the AFL. AllPlay Footy was founded at Deakin University in 2015 and has been part of Monash University since 2021. The AllPlay Footy content and resources presented here have been developed with people with lived experience of disability, consultants from National Sporting Organisations for People with Disability, psychologists and researchers, and are brought to you with funding from a Department of Social Services Information, Linkages and Capacity Building: Social and Community Participation Stream (2020-2024) grant.


Language helps shape how we see the world and the people around us. We aim to use language that is respectful to everyone. Our approach involves:

Person-first and Identity-first
A person should always be referred to by their name, first and foremost. When it comes to talking about disability, some people prefer person-first language (eg. ‘person on the autism spectrum’) and other people prefer identity-first language (eg. ‘autistic person’).

We use a mix of both approaches, as we acknowledge that language is a personal preference. 

We use the terms ‘parent’ and ‘family’ to refer to all primary caregivers.

Types of Disabilities

Learn about various disabilities such as physical disability, autism, anxiety and more. For each type of disability, there are inclusive coaching tips to ensure that every individual gets the best footy experience.